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How Small Creators Can Land Big Sponsorship Deals with Justin Moore

December 16, 202436 min read
This is an image that shows the episode title, Katie Brinkley's photo and Justin Moore.

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In our conversation, we explore how sponsorships can work for small creators, the key to identifying your audience's value, and why you don’t need millions of followers to secure deals. Justin shares actionable tips and personal stories to show you how to turn your content into a revenue generator.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why sponsorships aren’t just for big creators: Small, engaged audiences often deliver more impact than large, disconnected ones.

  • How to pitch yourself to brands confidently: Show your value by aligning their goals with your audience’s needs.

  • The role of hyper-local audiences in attracting sponsors: Local businesses love reaching specific, nearby customers effectively.

  • Tips for creating tailored sponsorship packages that brands can’t resist: Match your proposal directly to the brand’s goals and needs.

  • Why being a “spokesperson” for your company makes all the difference: Authenticity and passion make you a brand’s trusted advocate.

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Visit Justin Moore’s social media pages:



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 I think a lot of people think of sponsorships as like, Oh, I'm going to like work with Walmart or target or like some giant conglomerate. But like, you can do these like very, very hyper local sponsorships with a complimentary businesses in your local community for people that are creating content, you can monetize, there's somebody out there that wants to be in front.

Of your audience, but it all comes down to knowing who it is that you're talking to, who it is that is listening, who it is that is watching. Welcome to Rocky Mountain Marketing. I'm your host, Katie Brinkley. Join us as we dive deep with the world's leading digital marketing experts every single Tuesday.

It's all about giving you the strategies that are working right now, directly from those who are making an impact. With my 20 years of experience, I'm here to help you navigate the world of digital marketing. Whether you're looking to sharpen your skills or transform your business, you're in the right place.

Let's get started on today's journey to success. Welcome back to this week's episode of Rocky Mountain Marketing with becoming sponsorable or like monetizing anything that we're doing outside of paying the bills of our business. It's kind of that added bonus, like my podcast, or if you're going live on Instagram or if you have a YouTube channel, man, what We're doing all these things and wouldn't it be nice to actually get paid for having to put in all this work?

Because I've been standing on this soapbox, I feel like for the past, since COVID it's, it really has been since COVID where I've said, okay, we have to get out there and be the face of the brand. You as the business owner, the best person to be the influencer is you. You're the spokesperson for your company.

And if you're going to be the spokesperson for your company, if you're going to have that podcast, if you are going to launch a YouTube channel and I'm making you go out there and create these Instagram reels, and you're like, Katie, I'm doing all these things. You're saying I could get paid for it too.

Well, yeah. You could, and I brought in somebody today that I've seen them speak on stages. I've been signed up on their newsletter for years and, uh, wealth of information. And I actually spoke at a conference with them last year, got to meet them briefly. And I was reading some of their newsletters because he has a wealth of information about making money.

As a creator, and I want to emphasize this as a creator, I don't like being on TikTok and I'm not out there to try and become the next Kim Kardashian and I'm not an influencer, but I am a spokesperson for my company. And so the tips that this guest shares is really relevant. If you want to make money, but you are a business owner and you're creating content and you want to try and generate revenue.

So. When he put out this newsletter and he was saying that he had recently launched a book all about how you can do this. I was like, man, you got to come on my show and share some of your secrets. Will you come on my show? And. Today's guest said, I'd be happy to come on. And so today's guest is none other than Justin Moore.

He is the founder of Creator Wizard, and he's been speaking on stages all over the world. He spoke at CEX last year. That's one of my favorite conferences. It's in Cleveland, Ohio. It's Joe Polizzi's event, and that's where we had the opportunity to meet. Justin Moore, he is the author of the brand new book, which you can pre order now.

Thank you so much for joining me on Rocky mountain marketing today. Katie. I'm so thrilled to be here. That was like the best lead in I think I've ever gotten on a podcast. So I'm just going to give you those flowers. Thank you. But it's true. I mean, and this is one of the things I think that like, when we had the opportunity to talk before I hit record here, I love the fact that you approach Making money as a creator, because a lot of us have businesses that like for me, the podcast, this is a quote, unquote, my low ticket offer.

I love having the podcast. It allows me to connect with my audience. I have a background in radio and. I know how important it is for me to be the spokesperson for my company. I have to get out there, but would it be nice if I was able to monetize this and get some sponsors to pay for my show and generate some revenue?

Because I have to do it anyways, let's be real. You have to be creating either a podcast or YouTube or going live or something anyways. I would love to have that. A sponsor for it. So how did you really get into helping people find sponsors for their shows? How did you find out that this was your secret sauce?

This is what you had just a passion for. Wow. That it's a very circuitous path that actually led me to here. So the way actually everything started was, um, well, first of all, I was in medical devices before this. I was not in marketing. I was not in business. And my wife actually started a YouTube channel in 2009.

And it was just a kind of a hobby project. It was, she was making videos all around beauty and cosmetics and skincare and things like that, which was just a passion of hers and started growing and to the point where brands started reaching out offering free stuff. It wasn't like, Hey, we're going to pay you initially.

It was, Hey, let me give you this free curling iron. And like, we were young, we were in our early twenties, no money right out of college. And so she was like, yes, this is amazing. Like free makeup and all that. Yeah. To the point where like she was getting tons, starting to get tons of packages to like a PO box that we opened.

And so like this went on for several years, but we never really thought, Oh, this is going to be like a business. We're not going to be able to make money from this. Cause remember 2009, this was very early. This is like influencer marketing. It was not really a thing. Blogging was definitely kind of in full swing at that point, but very much we were on the corporate career trajectory.

And so what happened is I decided to go back to school to get my MBA part time after at night after work. And I started taking these classes around marketing and advertising and negotiations and things like that. And I just started, the gears started turning. I would see all these comments on April's YouTube videos like, Hey, thanks so much for telling me about this product.

I just went to the store and bought it or, Oh, wow. I didn't know that brand had that product. Thanks. I just bought it. Bought it from their website or, Oh, I just, so all these comments around her actually driving like sales awareness for these brands. And I told April, I was like, I feel like we're kind of getting the short end of the stick here.

Like we're getting a free, yeah, the free 30 curling iron is great, but you're actually driving real outcomes for this brand. And so I said, okay, the next brand that reaches out to you, ask if they have a budget. To collaborate with you. And they're like, and she's like, there's no way that these brands are ever going to pay me money for it to where I was like, come on, just try it.

And so the next brand that reached out, it was a skincare company. And she said, Hey, do you have a, do you have a budget to collaborate with me? And they said, sure. If you can mention us in two videos a month, we will pay you 700 a month for six months. And our jaws were on the floor because that was like a huge chunk of our rent at the time.

And that's still a lot of money. Even today, this was like 20, 2011 or whatever. And so instantly our brain started, our gears turning like, Oh man, what if we could find 10 brands like this, who would pay us this every month? Right. And so that was the first moment in our careers or our lives where, you know, we had only ever gotten a kind of a, W two paycheck basically.

And so that was the first time that we were like, wow, there's other ways to like make money in life that are kind of, there's no ceiling to it. So over the last basically decade, my wife and I have done over 500 partnerships made over 5 million working with brands. So it's been a really successful part of our career.

But the other interesting kind of Eureka moment I had was like, okay. In about 2015, I was like, you know what? The likelihood of people watching us personally as creators for five years, 10 years is very low. Right. And so I was like, we probably should diversify our income. And so I decided to start an influencer marketing agency actually to help get deals for other creators.

And so I was like, we've got this really good expertise doing deals ourself, but Hey, what if I could facilitate partnerships with a bunch of our friends who are also making content? And so over the next seven years, I ran an agency. Basically paying out millions of dollars to other creators as well. And so these are the two kind of sides of my personality, which led me to start educating creators around the process of collaborating with brands and making more money for your business.

And the reason I'm excited to chat with you today, Katie, is that I know your audience, especially they may be small business owners. They may be people who, like you said, I'm not dancing on Tik TOK. I'm not like brand deals, sponsorships. That's not for me, but I actually work with a lot of people who have Developed like a very small concentrated audience, especially kind of in a hyper local part of the country or part of the world.

And they're doing sponsorships. So I'm excited to talk about that today. Well, and I think that too, like for people that are creating content, you can monetize. There's somebody out there that wants to be in front of your audience. It, but it all comes down to knowing who it is that you're talking to, who it is that is listening, who it is that is listening.

And like I said before, you just wrote a book. And it's called sponsor magnet. It's available for pre order now. It comes out for those who are listening. It comes out mid January, right? Like January 21st, January 21st. Yep. And there's a bunch of sick pre order bonuses. Oh yeah. Oh, cool. Yeah. So sign up, go to sponsor magnet.

com. Get the book, but I'm sure in it, you'll talk about all these things, but if somebody is listening right now and they're like, you're right, I guess I am a bit of an influencer. I am a creator. I am a business owner. I'm a podcaster. I'm a YouTuber, whatever. I never really thought about the fact that I could.

I thought that the only way that I could make money is if I had X amount of downloads, I had X amount of viewers, and I'd love for you just to kind of shift the narrative around that for everybody that's listening, Justin. Yeah. So. I talk about something called the sponsorship continuum a lot. So in the beginning, when you're just starting out and you are, let's say you're just trying to market your own business or you're just trying to get foot traffic into your local brick and mortar store or something like that, where your mind is that usually is not Hey, I want to get sponsorships for the content that I'm creating on the internet.

It's like, I just want to drive more sales or I want to just drive more, more traffic into my location. And so where this starts to change is when you realize, like you said earlier, that you may be actually quite influential in your local environment. One example I can share is. There's this couple that I work with in my coaching program, and they have a newsletter called Cincy Scoop.

So it's a newsletter for Cincinnati, okay? And they send out the latest things that are going on for the weekend, like events and things like that. And they've grown. Seriously fast, not just with the newsletter, but they also created an Instagram to create reels of like local events that are going on and things like that, and they are starting to crush it with brand partnerships because there's a lot of brands, not only local businesses and brands that want to collaborate with them to spread the word in their local community, but whenever there's like a larger conglomerate brand who's holding an event in their city, they just, they start to look, okay, where can we market, I guess, radio ads, uh, The local penny saver, maybe, and they start Googling around and they're like, Oh, there's this newsletter with like 15, 000 local Cincinnati residents on it.

Like, let's reach out and see if we can partner with them. I saw another example on, on X the other day, there's another creator that I follow that has a hyper local newsletter for their community as well. And you're going to love this. They decided like, Hey, I've got all these local business owners on my kind of in my and they decided to start a.

Sanitation rental company. So mobile toilets. So they were like people who were having outdoor events. It's not porta potties. It's like the luxury ones. Have you ever seen those where it's like this it's on a trailer and they've got three of them and you go in and it's like nice and it's got a sink and like all this.

Yes. There was one with a shower. So my daughter, she made this. State swim championships last summer, and they rented one of those things. And I was like, Oh my gosh, there's a shower and everything. I was like, this is like luxury porta potties. Yes, there. Yeah. Anyway. Sorry. It was very exciting to use.

Totally. And so like he basically mentioned, Hey, guess where all the leads came. From renting out this luxury port a potty that I have now from my local newsletter, right? And so he basically sponsored himself. He said in the ad, a unit, instead of like a local sponsor, he's sponsoring his own company. So the way that I like to start talking about sponsorships for people who have a kind of a hyper local influence is there's so many other ways in which you can leverage that influence.

Maybe it's brands, other local brands. Maybe it's your own, your own business. Maybe it's. This is a really exciting thing I think to talk about. So maybe let's say you, you have a hair salon in your local community and you've got 500 of your clients on your email list or your newsletter. Maybe you send out an email once a month with promotions or whatever.

What about the idea of collaborating with a complimentary service or a complimentary business and actually asking them to sponsor your email list and saying, Hey, this Do you have any promotions? You're, I'm a hairdresser, but you are a nail salon. Do you have any promotions? You can pay me, let's say 250 bucks for a dedicated blast to my 500 customers or clients for a promotion that you're running for your nail salon.

I think a lot of people think of sponsorships as like, Oh, I'm going to like work with Walmart or Target or like some giant conglomerate. But like you can do these like very, very. Hyper local sponsorships with like comparable or complimentary businesses in your local community. That is one of the, I think that right, you said right there is such the light bulb moment for so many creators is you don't need to go after the big names, like, I mean, sure.

Like I, It'd be amazing to, to partner with the Walmart or Nike or whatever, the ones with the billions of dollars, but at the same time, if you're a smaller or a niche, niche, whatever creator or a local creator, and you know who your target audience is, If you partner with other local businesses and say, Hey, okay, so I am a realtor and I'm just going to go off of my friend, Amy.

She is one of the top selling realtors here in Denver, and she just switched brokerages. And if she wanted to, let's say, Announce that she had just switched and get in front of a whole bunch of people. She has a huge email list, but maybe she needed to get it out there that she had switched brokerages.

Maybe it'd be smart. What I'm hearing you say, maybe it'd be smart for her to do an email swap with a local, like maybe coffee shop for where the new brokerage is located. A hundred percent. And the thing that I think is really. Maybe exciting slash intimidating about this idea is that a lot of the businesses, the local businesses that you would potentially approach with this idea will have never, ever thought of something like this.

So it may actually take you coming to them and be like, Hey, I'll pay you a hundred dollars. If you send out an email to your 1000, you know, people on, you may not even have a normal, like regular newsletter, but like, I'll pay you a thousand dollars coffee shop X to like send out this three emails, let's say.

Say or whatever about the fact that I'm a realtor in your local area. We're partnering up, or maybe you have a meet and greet at the coffee shop. Hey, I'm going to sponsor you do these new come and ask any questions you have about the real estate market right now. I'm going to pay you 500 bucks for this and, or, and it works the other way around too, right?

And so. I love this light bulb moment for a lot of people because people are like, wow, I guess this is a sponsorship. I never thought that like sponsorships were for me for my little small business or whatever, but I could see that this makes sense to me that like, I can basically leverage someone else's authority, their local influence and have that rub off on me.

It's a pretty exciting prospect, I think. So Now that we've turned the light bulb on for everybody, how do we make sure that it's amplified so that not only is it on, but people want are like moths to the flame. So the sponsors see that light and they're like, okay, so how can we get people to come to it?

If there's, what do you recommend? Is there like a certain, like a media kit? Do you think that people should have like a certain media kit done? Or is that like, do you think it's too much or do you have a podcast? Do you think that they need to have a full list of all their downloads or target Democrat?

Like what, what do you recommend having done if we could have a step by step. Plan for people listening to today's show on the right man. I never thought about this. Justin, you've inspired me. I'm going to go buy your book sponsor magnet. I've already signed up sponsor magnet. com. I've pre ordered it.

Thank you. But just give me the cliff notes. I want to get started today to getting my first sponsor. What is the first thing that I should do? So I think. You may hear the word media kit and you may never have heard those words put together in the same sentence before. You're like, what the heck is a media kit?

So first, anyone listening, a media kit is basically like a two to three page, roughly like document that provides an overview of your presence on the internet. Let's say, right. It's like, okay, I'm on these social media channels. I have this many, this reach, I have this many followers. Here's some of my audience demographics that I can see from the social media platforms and so on.

Okay. And to me, that is kind of a tactic of yesteryear. That was like a very standard thing when you were a blogger or a podcaster and you would make your media kid and you would make it look all pixel perfect and this type of thing. And I would say probably in the last a hundred partnerships that my wife and I have done, we've been asked for the media kit maybe three times.

And so I think it's a useful exercise because It's still, it can be a useful exercise because you have to sit and think, okay, like what am I offering? What am I advertising? What are my offers essentially, if people were to collaborate with me. So from that standpoint, it can be useful, but I actually think there's an even easier First step, Katie, which is just say in your profile that you're open to partnerships, that you're open to collaborations, that sponsorships is something that you do.

Because a lot of times people won't even think that's an option. Uh, when they're looking at your business, evaluating your business, looking at your website, looking at your profile. So it could be something as simple as podcast that you're open to partnerships. And here's the inquiries, business inquiries, email address or something, or putting it at putting a partnerships.

You know, navigation item on your website or in the about section of your YouTube channel. Sometimes that's all it takes is just speaking it into existence, manifesting it, so to speak. And so I think that's a big part of it, because what I teach Katie is that the risk, the downside that I see with media kits is people create these like.

Prefix packages. They say, Hey, here is ABCDE. These are the five pick one. Basically. These are the five ways in which I collaborate with partners. And then a prospective partner might download that and read it and think, well, that's not what we really want at all. Like we don't want to do a YouTube video or we don't want to do a podcast.

We actually want to have Katie come and speak at our all hands marketing meeting for our local business or something, but that's not something that's on her media kit. So I guess she's not into that kind of thing, but if they would, if you, if they would have asked that, ask you that you would probably would have been like, Oh yeah, cool.

That sounds great. I'm interested in that. Right. And so what I say is that it's a better approach to basically have a conversation. With these businesses, with these brands and ask them, Hey, what are your goals? What are your objectives? What's important to you for 2025 or something. And then once you hear that, then you can design a more customized proposal.

That'll help accomplish those objectives.

 And now for a quick break, we've all heard that AI can change the way that you do business. If you have a podcast, if you have a YouTube channel, are you repurposing your long form content to its full capabilities? And that's where cap show comes in, check out cap show and how they can help you create more content by visiting.

Katie Brinkley dot live slash cap show today and start using cap show and AI to work smarter not harder. Just a note if you use the links I provide I may receive compensation. You know as well as I do that life can get pretty hectic sometimes. It happens to all of us. That's why I'm offering you a simple weekly reminder so you don't miss out on any of Rocky Mountain Marketing's episodes.

If you're up for exclusive tips, juicy details, and some inspiring quotes to brighten your day, just sign up for the free email newsletter. All you have to do is head over to katibrinkley. com slash podcast newsletter or find the link in the show notes. All right, let's get back to the show.

 So what you just said, I think is the next biggest question. And I appreciate, man, Justin, you're sharing so many fantastic tips that I think as again, as business owners and as creators, it can be hard because Even for me, like I said before, I have a social media agency, but the podcast came because I come from radio.

I, I'd always wanted to start a podcast and then COVID happened and I was given the gift of time and I was like, what better time than now to go ahead and start it, but a lot of it was kind of bumbling and it's turned into the, really the most consistent thing in my business. And I've had sponsors for my show, but.

I've never thought of my, of this as like the generator, like an income generator. It's part of the marketing that I do for my business. I'm going to consistently do it just like I do my email. Just like I do my social media is part of the marketing. I have to do it, but I really enjoy it. Like it's my favorite part of my marketing, but I don't think that a lot of us think of it as a way that we could actually monetize or.

Successfully have it be a strong revenue stream. And if we are shifting to that mindset in 2025, we've picked up the book and we're ready to monetize our shows. We're ready to monetize our newsletter, monetize our podcast, monetize our YouTube, monetize our social media. If you have. So one of my clients, she has 90, 000 followers on TikTok.

I mean, if she wants to monetize this more than what TikTok's paying her, what do we charge? And I think that what you said there with like the media kit is kind of like, okay, we create these packages and we figure out, okay, so here's how we package these things. And it all comes down to the downloads and this is what you get for this.

And this is what you get, you get the X amount of videos. So how do we figure out what to charge people like without getting onto a call and being like, okay, well, I'm going to charge you. 200 an episode. And oh, well, now I'm going to get on a call with you and it's going to be 20, 000 and that went out. I don't know.

I'm just, I'm just shoot for the moon, Katie. Hopefully let's go. Yeah, let's go. So like, first and foremost, pricing is very much an art and a science. I have a whole section to it devoted in the book, but I'm going to give you a very easy, a very simple framework to wrap everyone listening to kind of wrap your brain around.

The most important thing to understand is that You do not have standard pricing. You should not have standard pricing as a creator, as a business owner with influence, because what you are worth to a brand or a company is going to change based on the objectives that they have. So let me explain what I talk about is that there are three.

Goals. Three different types of goals that any brand or company will have when they want to partner with you. I call it my arc framework. A. R. C. So the first goal that a brand would have would be an awareness focused campaign where they would come to you, Katie, and they'd say, Hey, we are trying to spread the word a realtor.

In the Rocky Mountain area, in the Denver area comes to you and says, Hey, I'm at a new brokerage and I want to spread the word about that. Can I sponsor your podcast? An awareness play, right? So that's the first type. The second type is a repurposing campaign. So the reason that they come to you is they say, Hey, Katie, we know that you have a lot of influence in the Denver area.

We would love for you to create a 30 second. Ad for us that we could run on Facebook and Instagram, the 25 mile radius around Denver, where you're talking about our new chain of restaurants or a new chain of whatever insurance brokerages around the Denver area or something that is a repurposing campaign.

And the final goal type is, uh, What's called a conversion campaign. That's the C. And so the reason that they want to work with you and sponsor your podcast is, Hey, we want to drive leads for our insurance brokers. That is the reason that we want to collaborate with you. And so we're, we're pricing comes into this.

Let's talk about this by working backwards. So let's say it was a conversion focus campaign. Okay. In there, in the company's mind, they're thinking, okay, if Katie gets an average of, let's say 10, 000 downloads per episode on her podcast, then we're going to assume that let's say 10 percent of those list listeners, Actually click the link in the show notes.

They say, Oh yeah, we want to learn more about this insurance brokerages and this insurance brokerage. I click on it, right? That's a thousand people of the a thousand people that land on that page. We're going to assume that let's say 25 percent of those people sign up for like to find out more information.

So that's 250 people of the 250 people that actually fill out that form. Maybe only 50 people respond to our emails that we sent, right? So that's 50 people. And let's say those 50 people, a hundred percent success rate list for easy numbers here. Those people, they say, yeah, this is interesting. Like we would love to get a quote.

Okay. Of the 50 people, 10 percent of the people get a quote and they sign up. And we know that of those 10 people who we gave a quote to the average dollar value is a thousand dollars for that insurance package for whatever. Easy math, right? So that's 10 people times a thousand dollars. That's 10, 000 rough of 10, 000 in revenue that we are hoping that this Partnership with Katie generates.

So that's the max they're going to pay you. And by the way, that's the breakeven point. They don't want to just break even. They want to turn a profit. That's the whole reason that they're doing partnership and influencer marketing. They want to pay you a fraction of that, probably half a third, a fourth, maybe less depending on their risk tolerance.

Right? And so this is why it's oftentimes very difficult to negotiate with brands and sponsors and companies who have this conversion focused mindset, because, They have this math, this what's called a CPA, a cost per acquisition math that they're doing in their head when they collaborate with you. And so contrast that with an awareness focused campaign.

Your friend who's the realtor, she's thinking, I just want to spread the word about the fact that I am in this new brokerage. She's not thinking, how many leads am I driving, Katie? Like how many customers did I acquire from this? No, that's not the point of the campaign. And so this is so critical to understand because your pricing has to change based on the brand or the sponsor's objective.

Ugh. Man, my drop, Justin. Holy cow. And well, and this is why, I mean, let's go. I got some, I got some sound effects here. Let's go. Yeah, boom. Well, and Justin, I'm sure we've only even like, this is just like the little tip of the iceberg. I'm sure. So talk to us a little bit more about Sponsor Magnet. People who can pre order it right now at SponsorMagnet.

com. It comes out January 21st. I'm sure that. This is all in the book, but what else can they expect to get from this book? What are some of the pre order gifts that they can get if they sign up right now? There's a ton. So I basically lay out that the book is essentially following my eight step sponsorship wheel, which is like my framework where I talk about all the things that go into a partnership.

So step one is pitch, like learning how to actually. What could you say to a prospective partner or sponsor to get them excited about collaborating with you? Step two is negotiate. So a lot of the stuff we just talked about pricing, how do you make more money, put packages together and things like that.

Step three is contract. So how do you memorialize a lot of these things into an agreement so that you're both protected? Step four is what I call concepts. So how do you actually. Pull some ideas together before you shoot anything before you produce anything. Uh, you say, here's my plan. Here's what I want to do.

Give me some feedback on that before I do this. Right? Uh, so it's a very important step that a lot of people miss. Step five is produced. So this is where you actually generate the, the. The content for the promotion. And how do you do that in a ironclad way? The next step after produce is feedback. This can oftentimes be a pretty tough one where the sponsor says, Hey, thanks for sending that draft of this, of the content we don't like it here.

We want you to change it and do this. And you're like, what the heck? Right. And so how do you actually leave the, how do you actually do that without getting mad at the sponsor? Then the next step is published. So how you actually. Do activate this, put it live on your platforms and things like that so that you don't make any errors.

And then the final step is analyze. So how do you actually put reporting together that you can send to your partner so that they actually want to hire you again? And it's not just a one off thing. So this is my eight set framework. This is really what I go through in the book. And I've got some amazing pre order bonuses.

Yeah. If you go to sponsor magnet. com, not only can you access the first chapter of the book, um, but. I will give you 15 negotiation scripts for exactly what to say based on. So if you let's see, reach out to the sponsor and they say, Hey, yeah, we're interested. What'd you have in mind? And then you're like, you like clam up cause you don't know what to say next.

Uh, a lot of these 15 scripts that I have, uh, in the pre order bonuses will help you understand like what you can say in response to those brands to ink some of those deals. So yeah, just going to sponsor magnet. com and I'm really, really excited about having this and having this book in people's hands.

Yeah. Well, and I think that really. I'm so glad that we were able to sit down now because it's setting people up for success in 2025. If you have a show, if you wanted to launch a show next year, you're getting set up for success. Now you're getting the wheels in motion. You're going to have the tools in place so that you can start.

You're already, I mean, if you have a show now you have the tools in place. Like why not make money from it? And Justin and I, when we talked last time, we were talking about You were like, yeah, like we can get you, I was like, oh, do you have a sponsor for your show? And I was like, ah, no, not right now. I've had a number of sponsors in the past.

I just haven't been reaching out. I haven't like, eh, whatever. And you're like, well, maybe we can get you a sponsor again. And I'm like, yeah, like what? I'm doing it. I've, my, my downloads have been better than ever. Like my conversions have been great on my end, like for adding stuff that I've been running.

Cause I've just been sponsoring my show. And I'm like, why haven't I like reached out? And it's just. It's been at the very bottom of the totem pole. And so I think it's been a great reminder for me. Like, yeah, if you're putting in the work and the effort, why not monetize it? I'm going to pick up sponsor magnet, definitely get the scripts.

And I think that, like I said, when I introduced you, Justin, I've seen you speak on stage, you're a wealth of knowledge I've been. On your email list for years with creator wizard. So if people like the newsletter is great. So if people want to sign up for your newsletter, creator wizard, where can they go to get that and just kind of check out all things, Justin Moore.

That's so kind of you, Katie. And so, yeah, the newsletter is creator wizard. com slash join. So if this. This episode tingled your brain at all. I send videos and articles all around this topic around sponsorship strategy and negotiations and things like that. I want to just share a quick, a very quick bookend to what you just said about like how this kind of fell to the bottom of your radar in terms of your priorities for sponsorships.

Everyone listening. I want you, there's a very, very important point. Sponsorships. A lot of times we're thinking about, okay, I want to just generate more leads for my own business, right? That's a lot of the times why we're marketing. But if you shift this to a. An audience first perspective, a customer first perspective.

There are probably lots of other brands and businesses that could really help your audience. And those are products that you would never offer yourself, right? So you do social media marketing, you have an agency and you help people facilitate this for their own businesses, but you're not an insurance agent.

You're not a CPA. There's all these other potentially Local businesses in your community who would really help your audience and your customers. And if you have that mindset of like, well, well, because of the fact that I know that's really at the end of the day, what my job is help them. If you're able to introduce your audience to another person in your community who could really improve the life and business of your customers, guess what's going to happen.

They're going to be like, Wow. I love Katie. She just helped make my business way better. Right? And so then the next time that they're thinking about investing in their business, they're going to have a reinforced perspective of you in their minds. And so I think ultimately at the end of the day, I believe sponsorships can play a really, really important role in deepening trust with your audience and customers.

Mike man, just dropping the mic nonstop here. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Justin, this has been such a pleasure. Thank you so much for joining us on Rocky mountain marketing today. Can't wait to see how your book does. Everyone pick up monster magnet. com. Get those pre orders now because those are some great offers and I can't thank you enough for joining us on Rocky mountain marketing.

Thanks again, Katie. It was a blast. Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode of Rocky Mountain Marketing. I hope you're leaving with valuable insights and the inspiration to lead your market. If you've enjoyed our time together and found today's podcast episode useful, I have a small favor to ask of you.

Please hit that subscribe button to stay updated with the latest episodes. And if you know someone who could benefit from these episodes, maybe a fellow business leader or an aspiring entrepreneur, go ahead and share this episode with them. Let's spread the knowledge and grow together. Also, I'd love to hear from you and continue the conversation beyond the podcast.

Visit me at katiebrinkley. com to connect, to find more resources, or just to share your journey and be sure to pick up your copy of my new book, the social shift at katiebrinkley. com slash book. Thanks again for tuning in. I'm Katie Brinkley, and I can't wait to dive into more strategies and stories with you on the next episode of Rocky mountain marketing.

Let's keep on taking your marketing to new heights.

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Katie Brinkley

Social media expert for two decades. Elevating CEOs to become thought leaders in their industry.

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