Why Great Content is the Key to Long Term Business Success with Robert Rose

Why Great Content is the Key to Long Term Business Success with Robert Rose

March 20, 202534 min read
Why Great Content is the Key to Long Term Business Success with Robert Rose

Why Great Content is the Key to Long Term Business Success with Robert Rose

If you’ve ever posted on LinkedIn and hoped the algorithm would do its magic, only to have your content disappear into the void, you’re not alone. But what if you could guarantee your insights landed directly in your audience’s inbox? That’s exactly what LinkedIn newsletters do.

In this episode, I break down why LinkedIn newsletters are one of the most powerful tools for thought leaders and businesses. With LinkedIn rolling out new analytics, it’s now easier than ever to track your newsletter’s success, optimize engagement, and connect with your audience without fighting the algorithm.

Why Great Content is the Key to Long Term Business Success with Robert Rose

Visit Robert Rose's social media pages:

Website: https://seventhbear.com/

This Old Marketing Podcast: https://www.thisoldmarketing.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robrose/

Why Great Content is the Key to Long Term Business Success with Robert Rose

 [00:00:00] So let's be real. Content marketing is no longer just about creating content, right? It's about creating impact. And it's hard because there is just so much noise online these days. I mean, like, how do you really build a content strategy that's driving real results? Well, I've got the perfect guest on today's podcast episode that is going to break it all down for us.

Welcome to Rocky Mountain Marketing. I'm your host, Katie Brinkley. Join us as we dive deep with the world's leading digital marketing experts every single Tuesday. It's all about giving you the strategies that are working right now, directly from those who are making an impact. With my 20 years of experience, I'm here to help you navigate the world of digital marketing.

Whether you're looking to sharpen your skills or transform your business, you're in the right place. Let's get started on today's journey to success.

Today's guest is Robert Rose, and he's one of the biggest [00:01:00] names in content marketing. He is the Chief Strategy Advisor at the Content Marketing Institute, and he is the founder of the Content Advisory and the author of Content Marketing Strategy. I catch him every Friday on LinkedIn live with Joe Polizzi for his, uh, podcast, this old marketing podcast.

That's where I really became a big fan of Robert Rose. I've seen him speak at events like CEX, social media marketing world, content marketing world. He's worked with brands like NASA, Hilton and Salesforce. I mean. Robert, we are so fortunate to have you on the show today and we're going to be talking about what is working right now in content marketing and honestly why most businesses are just doing it wrong.

So Robert, thank you so much for joining me on Rocky Mountain Marketing today. 

Uh, 100 percent longtime listener, big time fan and first time guest. So I am super psyched to be here. Thank you for having me. 

Well, and you've had the [00:02:00] opportunity to work with some super big brands like NASA, um, Hilton, Salesforce, and I, you know, the majority of our listeners on Rocky Mountain Marketing aren't those huge brands, but I think that everything that we're seeing in Bye bye. This content marketing space is, is really shifting whether you're a big brand, a small brand, an influencer, it's more important than ever to have a person as a part of your brand.

And I know that you've been in the content marketing space for years and you've had the opportunity, like I said, to advise some of the biggest brands out there from your perspective. What do you think the biggest mistake is that businesses, no matter what size they are? What do you think that some of the biggest mistakes are that they're making with their content strategy right now? 

there's a few, um, and I think you touched on one of them, which we can, I would love to get more into, which is the idea of surfacing people, which seems to be. A much more difficult thing for larger companies to do than it is for [00:03:00] smaller and mid sized companies to do, but I'll, I'll speak to one first, which is the biggest mistake that I see, which is we're still in a mindset, big or small company.

We're still in this mindset of creating content for container first and then story second, right? So, and we're naturally taught to do this when we get taught. In marketing, how to, you know, how to create any kind of content, what do we say? We say, well, I need an ad or I need an email or I need a white paper or I need a webinar or I need to talk or I need a power point.

And so we think I need a container and then we hand it off to the wonderful content people to say, go make that please. And then those content people go, okay, and they put the best thing that they can put in those things. So what happens so often is that we see them. Really big, wonderful, creative ideas get trapped in the context of a blog post simply because that was the way we thought of it first or needed first, or we see, unfortunately, the reverse, which is really [00:04:00] small sort of ideas get expanded into something like an ebook and.

None of it works very well. And so it's this idea of how can we start to switch that around so that when we start talking about content, the content we want to create, the content we want to be known for, the content we want to use to further our business, how do we start talking about the story first, the value first, all of those things that will really define what it is for us to differentiate and to create impact, and then go, great, now what are all the containers that we can put that story into that would make sense?

And it just makes better sense because, I mean, let's be honest. We don't, you know, great ideas are rare, right? The containers are plentiful. So we want to maximize the number of great ideas into as many containers as we can possibly get just to make sense of it all.

Yeah, I I think that what you're saying too. It's it's you know while you were talking I was thinking in the background like well This is it's so true. We [00:05:00] create content for Something like within this container and  There, there's so much more that you can do when you have a story, when you know, this is the end goal.

This is who this content is for. This is how I'm going to relate to them and put them as the, the, as Donna Miller says, you know, as the hero in the story, it makes it a lot easier for you to repurpose your content and have more uses for it.

Yeah. I mean, I was, I literally was having this conversation with the mid sized marketing consulting agency firm. Um, just literally yesterday we were sitting and talking and. I was saying, you know, they were, they were talking about, well, they were really struggling with messaging on their landing pages that they were creating in their blog.

And then they wanted to create a new thought leadership thing. And so we started talking about that and they were talking about those three things like they were separate, right? They were separate ideas and they were like, well, we need an [00:06:00] idea for thought leadership and we need an idea for that campaign that we want to do in paid media.

And we have that. Idea that we want to put into that blog post and all those sorts of things. And I'm like, no, you need an idea. And then those other things and literally saying, don't think about the container. Go write the story. Like just go, it doesn't matter if it's a thousand words or 1500 words or 5, 000 words or images, audio script, what, whatever it ends up being, go write the complete thing that you want to create.

What value that you want to create that course that. Educational piece that whatever it is, don't worry about that. Just open up Google docs or word doc or whatever, and just start creating. Once you have it all done and finally wordsmith, then you've got it just the way you want that. Now we go great. Now, how do I take that and translate it to an email? 

How do I translate that into a blog post? How do I translate that into an ebook?

How do I translate that into a webinar? And now you're starting to create a consistency across your content [00:07:00] strategy, which is going to be focused on impact. And now you can start really. Comparing apples to apples about which ones work the best. I totally agree. And I think that that's one of the biggest problems is so many businesses are just focused on cranking out content.

We need to do three videos a day. We need to do this. We need to do that. And they're not really thinking about why the why behind it. Why are they doing that? I know that you talk a lot about. The idea of content as a business strategy, the content is the strategy. I know you broke it down a little bit just there, but can you break it down a little bit further for us?

Sure. You know, it is. It is when you think about it. So it's very often that I'll tell, and by the way, this is also a bigger, small company. I'll talk to a business owner on a small company or a CMO and a midsize company, or even the CEO of a big company. And I'll say, tell me about content. And how you, how that gets made, how that is processed, how that, how that, you know, how it all works.

And they're like, and they look at me a little bit. Like [00:08:00] my dog looks at me when I'm making a sound that they don't understand. Like, it's like, what are you talking about? And I'm, and I say, well, here's what I mean by that. How does it, how does it get made? Like, how does it, all this stuff work? And they're like, I don't know.

I just have an idea, somebody has an idea, we throw it into this magic box, and all of a sudden, stuff comes out the other side. Right? And I'm like, you're right, that's probably how it gets made, but they don't know how it gets made. By the way, the people making it doesn't know how it gets made, right? All they're seeing is requests in their email for, I need another e book.

Right. I need another, I need another blog post. I need a better hero image. I need a better this, I need a better that give me a video. I need a video. We need a viral video. Right. And all of that sort of just comes in and just, and what we need to rather think of it as is how does a media company work.

Right. And if you think about a media company for the second, I mean, we've given lots of sort of. Yeah. Lip service to the idea of operating like a media company throughout the years. And what we've conflated it with is this idea [00:09:00] of marketing ourselves like a media company does marketing ourselves like a movie company does, or marketing ourselves like a music company does.

And that's not it at all. By the way, I've worked with those companies and they're just as bad at it as we are, right? The key is, is that how do they treat content? It's a strategic asset and a strategic part of their business operation. It's a precision machine and how they actually, and they can tell you, if you ask that same question to a media company, how does content get made? They will walk you through a detailed process, a detailed workflow, a detailed approach to how they create, manage, publish, measure. Content. I mean, they, they know it backwards and forwards and that's the thing we're trying to emulate

Yes. I, I, I love hearing you say all that because it's, it's so true.

I feel like there's just so much content out there. We have content saturation. I mean, in one of my presentations, I list out how many pieces of content are [00:10:00] published each day to each social media platform. And I mean, there's just so much out there. There's so much content and so much content that's being produced. 

What do you think? In 2025, what do you think it actually takes for content to stand out? Because it is a very crowded marketplace. 

it is indeed. And, and, and, you know, we're dealing with some unfortunate, you know, realities right at the moment, which are namely, you know, so we've got, so we've got, I'm sure we'll talk a little bit about AI because it's literally been 22 seconds and we haven't spoken about AI. So at some point I'm sure we'll get to AI when you look at the sort of environment of 2025 with.

Like you said, with all the noise, the sea of sameness of content, the democratization of all the platforms where it's as easy to post your breakfast as it is some amazing thought leadership piece and all of that together. And you say, what do you need to do with a I search and zero click marketing this and in social media that and the reality that's [00:11:00] unfortunate is that we are losing The organic magnetism of our websites, of our blogs, of our owned media properties.

It's just, it's, it's a sad reality that Google search is fundamentally broken. AI search is starting to disrupt it. And other elements of social media are deprecating those things that click out to our websites. So. The strategy now in order to stand out is ultimately a lot of content, but not necessarily more ideas.

Right? So when you think about the amount of content out there, it's not that there are more better ideas. It's that there's just like a lot of right out there. And so. Right, exactly. If you can create a differentiated idea and then focus your mind around this idea of how do I create a bigger footprint of that value out there?

So what does that mean? Well, it means getting that value onto the social media platforms, getting that media, that value out on podcasts, getting that same value out. On guest [00:12:00] posting or guest speaking or guesting on other people's platforms or getting that value out into the actual, uh, owned media and paid media.

And so, yes, your content and value will be consumed outside the bounds of your website. And that sucks. And we don't like it and we wish it was different, but that's the oxygen we have right now. And so. The strategy in 2025 is really how do I create the value footprint as big as I can so I can be seen by as many as I can and then hopefully pull those people into my magnet with my own great magnetic ideas

I love that. And I, you know, I think that with what, you know, what we do at Next Step Social, you know, we do turn social media production and podcast production, but we're not, and this is one of the things I say in all of our sales calls is I'm like, We're not a traditional social media agency or podcast production company.

We're going to produce great content for you, but we're not going to just spam a bunch of people saying like new [00:13:00] podcast alert, because nobody cares. Nobody cares on Instagram that there's new podcasts. What they care about is what's in it for them. How are you solving their problem? Right. So how can you position this so that you're answering your ideal client's problems before they even had to ask the question and type it into the Google search bar?

So, I love that. And I really, I hope that people listening really think about who it is that they're creating content for. And if they're sitting there thinking like, okay, I need to rethink my content strategy now, Robert, Katie, um, what is the, what is the first step that you would have them take? 

Yeah, but I'll get to the first step, which is a great question, but I wanted to reiterate your point because it's a really good one. It is that thinking that that you just. Talked about this idea of helping people find your stuff before they even know that they want it is such the, the implication from all of that is out of the for you tab, right?

Which is, of course, Facebook, Instagram, [00:14:00] LinkedIn, every social media platform and including Google search is the for you idea. The for you algorithm is helping people to discover content before they ever need. They knew they needed to know it right. And so. If you have that mindset of getting your content out there, that's the best way you're going to actually get those people to be interested enough to visit you.

I think social media to leave social media and say like, Oh, there's a podcast where I could learn more.

Cool. But if you just say new podcast with Katie and Robert, some people might care. But if, if we go in and say like, does it feel like your content sucks on social media? Well, it could be your entire business strategy isn't in alignment. Well, wait a second, what do you mean, you know, and then it entices them to be like, Oh, well, there's more I could learn.

Cool. Now I'll leave social media, but nobody wanted to go to Instagram to listen to a podcast. They did. They would have just opened up Apple podcast or Spotify or whatever. Right. Sorry. That's it. And they don't, and they don't, the [00:15:00] thing that they don't. 

The thing that they don't know is in many cases because it's the for you tab or the for you search that's being generated here. When you say great new podcast available, they don't know who you are. Right. It's not your followers.

It's not your regular listeners that are seeing that it's people who are seeing it for the very first time for them because of their behavior and their algorithm, sort of the way that the algorithm works for them. So you have to set that context and the best way to set that context is to say what's in it for them so that they get interested in enough to go.

I do want to find out who actually the author of this particular thing is right. Well, so the first, I mean, the first step there is to take a step back. Like one of the things that I've absolutely advise all my clients to do is to sort of just stop all the presses for a minute and say, what is it? What is that value that we're really trying to get out?

Let's let's, you know, so much of what we do. And again, small business or big business just has institutional momentum, right? We continue to [00:16:00] publish that newsletter list because. We do it's Friday. It has to go out, but it doesn't do anything for us, but it's we do it. We create that podcast. We update the website.

We send that email. We do the, you know, the trains are all running and we're loath to turn any of them off because. They just have been working and we don't know what one is the best and all of that. So the key is to take a step back and go, what's really working for us now? And what story do we really want to be telling?

And where do we want to be telling that story? Because now we, you know, one of the things that I've been saying a lot lately to clients is like, look, we've for the last 10 years, all of us have been moving fast and breaking things. And so what we need to realize is that we look around. And we've been spending all this time moving fast and breaking things and we wonder why everything is broken and we're, and we're just constantly in this mindset of fix this, fix this, fix this, fix this.

Let's stop figuring out how to fix everything, [00:17:00] figure out what we need to throw out. Let's Marie Kondo that stuff and just get it out of our life and fix the important things. But more importantly, create something new. Create something new that really is a value and story that you can really hang your hat on

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well, I know that you said that it, it, you know, it'd been about 13 seconds before we talked about AI and we actually made it.

We made it 17 minutes into the podcast before I wanted to talk about AI. And I think that, you know, it is the elephant in the room. 

I mean, it's changing everything with how we talk about content creation, the speed at work that we're able to create content with, how do you see AI fitting into a smart?

Content strategy, a smart one, not, not a fast one, but a smart one. 

Well, you said that's the operative word. That's the, you, you nailed it, right? It's not about faster. It's not about faster. It is about how we're, how we're approaching this intelligently. You know, there's the BS stuff that's going out around [00:19:00] right now about, you know, Hey, I won't take your job, but someone using AI will, which is a bumper sticker and it's not true by the way.

Um, you know, now it doesn't mean that. Bad CEOs and bad leaders won't make stupid decisions and won't, you know, like use AI as a scapegoat to say, Oh, we're firing a bunch of people because of AI, but it's like, eh, if you peel that back, it's usually not true. What we're finding is, is that great AI strategies, creative content strategies actually usually require more or the same number of people.

And the reason why. Is because there's, I, I call it the Dunning Kruger problem with, with AI, which is you have to be able to recognize what good looks like, right? So in other words, if a human humans, we are the only ones who can put any sort of meaning or value to anything. And so if we don't understand what good looks like, it doesn't matter how much AI you throw out.

It, it will be faster, but it will be faster. Crap. And so [00:20:00] if you understand what good looks like and you can work with the tool to extract better and better, then you can absolutely really create a lot of both efficiency and efficacy using the tool. AI creates the most probable content. That's different than the average, right?

You know, you ask a lot of people like, Oh, it produces average. No, it doesn't produce average content. It produces the most probable content. Which, in some cases, if you query it correctly, if you work with it right, if you do all the things right, the most probable can be terribly insightful, can be wonderfully creative, can be greatly clear in, in its, in its point of view.

But you have to know what that good looks like. And so that puts such a focus on marketers today and content creators to get so good at their craft that they know what good looks like so that they can recognize it when AI produces it.

Yeah, I think that. It's, it's all about the prompting and, and the seasoning, right?

With your ai Yeah. [00:21:00] Like the, the time that you spend with the ai, I think is if, if you go in and just bark orders at it and really don't nurture it, season it, um, uh, you know, we both were at CEX in 2024 and Andrew Davis gave a great presentation about, uh, seasoning the AI and everything. And it's, it's very true on how it can really, um.

If you put crap in, you're going to get crap out. So yeah, but the key is you have to know what that is before it goes in. Right. I mean, the magic of what, so when Andrew does a speech, for example, and talking about his digital doppelganger and the AI thing, and it's basically like, Hey, write an email to this client, thanking them and blah, blah, blah, blah.

And it writes out the email and he looks at it. And he goes, Yes, that's good. I will allow that to go out, right? I will, I can, that communication is valuable to me. Therefore, it's valuable to my customer. And without that, you have basically, you know, it, you, you run the risk [00:22:00] of outsourcing your creativity and outsourcing your brain to AI.

And you will get crap because it's not that it can't produce good stuff. It's that you don't recognize when it does. 

Yes. Yes. I, and I think that, you know, we use ai. I mean, I think if you're not using AI with your business yet, you, you start now. But I mean, like, we use AI at, at Next Step social, and it's real. I use it every day for brainstorming. Um, you know, Nikki uses it to run Diff, she's our copywriter. She runs a lot of her stuff through it to make sure that there's SEO and keywords and different things.

So I mean, like AI is a great partner. Uh, and, and I think that, you know, with, with AI, how, how do you think it's helping as far as like content planning? Are there different tools or workflows that you think are actually making content better, um, rather than just faster? Because I think that's one of the biggest things, it's, AI is moving so fast, like, it's hard to keep, I'm so glad I don't own an AI SaaS company.

Um, because it'd be an extra impossible, I mean, like, maybe I'd have a billion dollars, but it probably would [00:23:00] have already been like, You know, a dinosaur because it moves so fast. So how, how do you feel there's different, like, tools or workflows? Is there anything that maybe you're using that we should be on the lookout for? 

sure. You know, we and we've actually done research on this very specifically. So we looked at the content creation process right from ideation all the way through to measurement and started to say, where is a I where is a I playing the biggest role and where does it have the opportunity to have the more have more impact than it is already.

And what we notice is that it's mostly on the The front end in the middle. In other words, mostly in the brainstorming and ideation and things like persona research and some of those things are some of the bigger use cases that we're seeing as well as, um, where we really see a heavy usage is exactly what you just said, helping us recognize the patterns and the things like keyword analysis, writing abstracts, writing shorter versions, writing, you know, all the different derivative content out of an original piece of content.[00:24:00] 

Amazing efficiency work use cases there, but we also do see really productive use cases in the editing process with all of the aforementioned asterisk. Like, you know, you need to make sure it's not hallucinating. You need to make sure that you're getting properly cited resources. You need to make sure that it's correct and not making stuff up and.

All that stuff. And so, I, I think it really provides value across the gamut depending on how you use the tool. Personally, I find it most helpful in the final stages of editing. Like, I take in a, like, I'll take an idea, like, especially when I write longer form content, like, my longer blog post articles, or longer white papers, and I want to pressure test them.

Right? I want to pressure test them for, did I cover everything I need to cover? So, having it look and say, Tell me all the things that I didn't cover that I should have. Right. Or tell me how to make this one, this one paragraph. I just can't make it any clearer. Help me like make this clearer for a particular audience and [00:25:00] it'll rewrite.

I'm like, Oh, that's a better turn of phrase than that sort of thing. So I polishing and sort of, uh, look at the. Efficacy of the idea is a great, I think a great place that I find a lot of value in AI. And honestly, I'm just using the straight up, you know, I'm an open AI guy, but I started in on that and I haven't been able to, you know, I, I get it when I see, Oh no, you got to use grok or you got to use cloud or you got to use perplexity and you got to use this.

It's like, I think you pick a tool. And, you know, after you play with a bunch of them and you find the one that you like the best and just go deep on one tool rather than trying to be good or a little bit good at all of them. 

Yeah, I, I, I agree with that. I mostly, you, I mean, Chat GPT is open every day on my You know, computer, my, my emails open, my high levels open, you know, my calendars open, then chat, JPT is open every day.

And I think that for me, because of the type of work that I'm doing consistently, it's the best choice. I do a lot [00:26:00] of data in there. I run a lot of reports through it. I analyze things. I look at things. I talk about different personas. For me, that's a great tool for Nikki, my copywriter. Claude is her go to and she has everything trained in there.

It knows how she writes. It knows the different client personas. So, I mean, I 100 percent agree. Find the one that fits for what you, type of work you're doing most on it and then really learn it. Because there's, these all, they all have, they're all good, but they all can, if you're using all of them a little bit here and there, it doesn't learn.

You as well, right? 

Well, that's the key, right? That's the key. So I've set up, so I have, and I highly recommend this as well. I highly recommend setting up, uh, custom GPTs, um, for, you know, and, and it's funny because I've gotten, you know, I've talked to people who, Aren't in business that are using this and they find the idea of sort of bifurcating or, or compartmentalizing your ideas and thinking into different custom GPTs to be like, I don't want to do that.

They would much rather have the [00:27:00] limitations on memory, how much it remembers about you, but have the broad, the breadth of like, this is, I want it to know me, right? And I prefer, like, I don't really use it. You know, I, like, I don't prompt it to tell me like to, you know, I've seen a lot of things lately. Like, you know, Hey, I asked chat GPT to pet me up and give me a, you know, give me a, you know, give me an inspirational speech for my morning.

And it's like, you know, it's cute. It does that. And it's very, very cute. Um, But I don't want it. I don't need it to know me in that way, but I do need it to know how I interact in business. And so I've created a custom GPT where I uploaded all my books and about 70 of my blog posts and all that stuff and had it learn and remember that.

And that's all I use it for, right? So when I write proposals or when I write emails or when I write, I have it look at that and it knows my tone of voice. It knows my jargon. It knows the way I like to word things. It knows that I have a preponderance for puns. So, you know, it's, it's all those kinds of things.

So it's, it's, I, I really recommend that, um, creating a custom GPT if you want to compartmentalize like that.

I couldn't [00:28:00] agree more. And I think, you know, someone might hear what you're saying and be like, well, that takes a lot of time. Well, yeah, it doesn't actually, it's just using it. It doesn't. Yeah. I mean, it doesn't, it takes 30 minutes to set up, right. You know, get it up there and get, you know, choose what you want to upload and, you know, but you just do it over time.

Right. Every time I write a blog post now, I just, I just go to an old blog post, copy it and say, boom, add this to your knowledge base. Boom. It's done now. Let's write the new one. Right. You know, so it's. It's just, it becomes better and better over time as you use it. Exactly. Yeah. And, you know, I think that, uh, with, with all of this at the end of the day, the The biggest thing as business owners is content.

It can move the needle for your business, but it, it, that's the biggest thing is we want it to drive results, right? We want our content to bring in more business and not just sit there and look pretty. I mean, the last thing we, I love Canva, you know, but the last thing we all need is another generic. You know, Canva template showing up in our social media feeds, you know?

So what is, what is one shift that you think businesses [00:29:00] can make to get more ROI from their content? 

Well, that's a great, so you, you bring up a good one, which is sort of the, you know, and this, by the way, this speaks to AI as well, right? So let's just all admit that now that AI imagery has a look, right? I mean, you, you, you, it, it just and, and you can sort of spot it, right?

Um, and so I think it's interesting that we're starting to have as a culture. As a society, we're starting to have a really interesting sort of ick factor for some of that stuff, so that fascinates me, like to see where that goes will fascinate me, but that's, that's, that's one area, right? So it's like, huh, our, you know, was real photographs or is our real things.

Designed going to be sort of the, you know, I always use this is a such a geeky and nerdy metaphor, but I use the Blade Runner, right? So there's a scene in Blade Runner where, you know, Harrison for is walking into the backstage of a burlesque show and. She's obviously a robot, um, and she has a snake and he like looks at the snake and he points at the snake and [00:30:00] he goes, you've got a real snake and she goes, what are you kidding me?

I'm not rich. I can't have a real snake, right? So, because they're so rare in that, in that timeframe. And that's the idea is like, are in real images, real photographs, real. Things real people going to become sort of the differentiator down the road because they are real. We know they're real. They're not AI generated.

That's one thing. I think the second thing is, as you just said, the, the idea of getting a uniqueness to what it is, our point of view, our content and what it is, we're actually out there in the world saying such an important piece of this, and that brings in the sort of surfacing of humans in our business, right?

So. You know, if your blog is now written by admin or the company or whatever, it's like you got to stop that. You got to start elevating the people in your company, your CEO, your CMO, your managers, your thought leaders, your sales people, all of them should be out there sort of marketing [00:31:00] themselves as people because that's where the authenticity and the realness is going to come from.

And it's what's going to differentiate us in the future. 

Oh, I love it so much. Robert, this has been absolutely incredible. You've shared so many great pieces of advice. So before we wrap up, where can people connect with you? Where can people learn more about you? Where can people see you speak on stage? Tell us all things Robert Rose. 

Oh, well, sure. I'm on. I'm so if you want like snarky comments about the media and like fun movie memes and stuff like that, hit me up on blue sky because I'm on blue sky because I'm not going to the other place anymore. That that whole X thing is just out of my life. Um, linkedin. Is all business for me.

It's like all, all business all the time. Um, but I love connecting with people on, on LinkedIn and talking and engaging there. I love that. Our little website is seventh bear. com. Um, where you can catch up on all my blogging and all my content and blah, blah, blah. Um, and books and stuff like that. And yes, and then out in the world, um, you know, really, um, at, at, at, at a [00:32:00] B2B marketing event near you at some point.

Amazing. Yes. And Robert, uh, it's always great speaking with you and check out, you know, if you love this podcast, you'll love Robert's as well. It's this old marketing podcast. Um, great show that him and Joe do every week. Robert, thank you so much for joining me on Rocky mountain marketing. 

Well, thank you for having me. So much fun

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com to connect, to find more resources, or just to share [00:33:00] your journey. And be sure to pick up your copy of my new book, the social shift at Katie Brinkley. com slash book. Thanks again for tuning in. I'm Katie Brinkley, and I can't wait to dive into more strategies and stories with you on the next episode of Rocky mountain marketing.

Let's keep on taking your marketing to new heights.

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Katie Brinkley

Social media expert for two decades. Elevating CEOs to become thought leaders in their industry.

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